Anxiety & Depression Counselling Perth

Life is difficult for everyone at times. We all have ups and downs, or periods when we feel stressed out. But how do you know when your feelings indicate something serious?


The World Health Organisation describes mental health as a “state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” So if you feel as if you are not coping with the stresses of life and are unable to work productively, this may be a sign your mental health is suffering.


Mental Health in Australia


An estimated 45% of people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. The last Australian Bureau of Statistics (2017-2018) revealed 2-3 million Australians have an anxiety condition, and one in 10 are experiencing depression symptoms. There has been a stigma around mental health for quite some time, but fortunately we are realising the seriousness of mental health conditions and their prevalence in Australia.



Do you feel irrationally anxious and stressed all the time? Are there occasions when you are in complete panic? You may have anxiety.

Anxiety takes on many forms. Below is a breakdown of the different types.


Types of anxiety

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Generalised Anxiety Disorder is an experience of constant worry, anxiety, fear and obsessive thinking. People with this type of anxiety worry about very small things that may not seem like a big deal to others but is a big deal to them. GAD can get in the way of work, study and socialising.

Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is a fear of being around people. Sufferers worry what others think of them or have concerns they will embarrass themselves. Social anxiety can manifest in the avoidance of social situations, as well as mental and physical symptoms when forced to be in public.


Phobias are when a person is fearful of a particular object, animal or situation to the point of being highly anxious or terrified. Phobias often manifest in physical symptoms.

Panic Disorder

Panic attacks are a brief period of intense anxiety, fear and panic. They can be experienced as a loss of breath, increased heart rate or rapid thoughts. Some people feel they may die or something terrible is about to happen.

Signs of Anxiety

Signs you are suffering from anxiety:

  • Racing thoughts

  • Obsessive thinking

  • Feeling restless

  • Feeling fearful

  • Trouble breathing

  • Increased heart rate

  • Panic attacks

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Excessive sweating



Do you feel sad and tired? Feel like life isn't worth living? Depression is more than just a bad mood. It is a serious illness that can impact your life considerably.


Types of Depression

Major depression

Major depression or clinical depression is a form of depression where symptoms lasts for more than two weeks. A few of the main symptoms are a very low mood, no longer finding pleasurable activities enjoyable, and lethargy.


Melancholia is a severe type of depression that presents itself physically as well as mentally. A person with melancholia may talk and move slowly, and will not find pleasure in most things.

Dysthymic disorder

Dysthymic disorder is a mild form of depression. It is diagnosed after a person has felt a low mood for more than two years. A person with dysthymic disorder may still be able to be productive but their mood is lower than normal.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

SAD is a disorder triggered by the seasons and low light. It is more common in colder countries where there are long periods of darkness but can still be experienced in Australia during winter.

Psychotic depression

Psychotic depression involves some kind of psychosis or hallucination. A person with psychotic depression will also experience other depression symptoms.

Postnatal depression

Postnatal depression is experienced post pregnancy. Many women experience a down period after giving birth as their hormones readjust, but depression is longer lasting. Postnatal depression can affect the mother’s connection with her child.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar is a serious mental illness involving high and low moods. A person with bipolar will experience periods of very low mood and periods of mania where they have lots of energy, racing thoughts and are unable to sleep. People with bipolar may experience psychosis.

Cyclothymic disorder

Cyclothymic disorder is a milder form of bipolar. The periods of low and high moods are less severe and last for a shorter amount of time.

Symptoms of depression

Symptoms which indicate you may be suffering from depression:

  • Tired, low in energy and motivation

  • Feeling sad, guilty, overwhelmed

  • Experiencing negative thought patterns such as “I am not good enough”

  • Withdrawing from loved ones, being less social

  • Struggling to find meaning in your life

  • Change in sleeping patterns (either sleeping more or less)

  • Change in appetite (eating more or less)

  • Fantasising about suicide (suicidal ideation)

  • Planning or taking active steps towards suicide


How can anxiety and depression counselling Perth help with anxiety and depression?

Psychotherapy and counselling has been proven to be an effective treatment for anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions.



Talk therapy acknowledges the power of the subconscious in shaping our world view. Many of us have developed beliefs about ourselves that don’t serve us in the present. These beliefs can trigger symptoms of anxiety and depression. Counselling helps to uncover negative thought patterns and develop healthier ones. You also learn new ways to cope with challenges. Counselling can help you with creating a more balanced life, or give you the tools to help you deal with stressful moments. These techniques vary from person to person

Anxiety and Depression can be treated. Recovery depends on the person and severity of the illness, but psychotherapy and counselling can be a huge help.


Think you may have




I am a Perth counsellor who can help, let’s talk about possible treatment.